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How Virtual Assistants Help YEC Members Get the Most Out of Membership

How Virtual Assistants Help YEC Members Get the Most Out of Membership

Not only is a virtual assistant able to help entrepreneurs with pressing business tasks — they can also ensure YEC members get the most out of membership. From updating account information to reaching out to YEC's member concierge team to facilitate member introductions, here are 7 things a VA can do to maximize a young entrepreneur's membership with all of its incredible benefits.

Notify When new Expert Panel opportunities are available.

With Expert Panels, YEC shares a series of business questions with our members and invites them to provide short, well-written answers based on industry expertise. We then edit and share these answers with select media partners from around the web, who select their top answers and turn them into an article for their readers. This is a no-brainer opportunity — and a simple way to get regular media mentions.

New Q&As are published to member dashboards on the first Wednesday of every month, making it a predictable process that a VA can alert members to on an ongoing basis.

Plan travel.

As we posted about here, a VA can take the hassle out of the entire travel planning process for members. They can search EXEC benefits for travel perks members can take advantage of.

Keep member profile up to date.

It is critical that YEC members keep their profile up to date — not only does it feed into media opportunities (the author bio next to member articles, for instance), but it is also a virtual representation of the entrepreneur to other members. To make sure that members don’t miss out on a potential future business or networking opportunity, VAs should regularly update member profiles as needed.

RSVP for events.

A virtual assistant can monitor events.yec.co for experiences the YEC member wants to attend, add it to their calendars, and and RSVP on their behalf. The VA can also check with concierge@yec.co to see if we will be hosting any events in conjunction with conferences.

When the YEC team plans out calendar events, the first thing we look at is what conferences a lot of YEC members plan to attend. If a member attends a conference, we want to know about it, as it gives us good feedback about where we could potentially invest in putting together future programming and allows us connect that member to other members attending the same conference.

Make sure account information is updated.

When a YEC member's credit card expires or they get a new card, a VA can update payment information accordingly in order to keep membership in good standing. All financial information is safely stored in our secure databases.

Share and promote exciting member achievements.

When a YEC member has exciting accomplishments to share (like their company being acquired, or a new business partnership), a VA can help members keep the YEC team in the loop so that we can share news accordingly across our channels.

This post is part of a series created by Ryan Paugh, co-founder of YEC, in which we explore outsourcing topics and offer advice on what we’ve found works best.

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