Member Since July 2021
Christopher Tarantino is a speaker, investor, and chief executive based in Denver, Colorado.

Christopher Tarantino
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In his 2023 report, the U.S. Surgeon General reported that millions of Americans are lonely, not just at home, but also at work—and this continues to be an ongoing issue. While this trend began before the pandemic isolated millions of individuals from their families and friends, these feelings of loneliness have only increased since. As one’s work makes up a significant part of a person’s life, finding ways to seek connection with co-workers and build a sense of belonging and camaraderie is key to addressing this ongoing problem. So how can employers help? Here to share their insights, 10 business leaders from Young Entrepreneur Council weigh in on what employers can do to ensure their teams feel connected and supported at work, and discuss why doing so is so important for everyone’s well-being.
By making resilience a core belief of your business, you send a powerful message that facing adversity and bouncing back from it are top priorities.
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There are countless successful entrepreneurs and thought leaders in the world today, each with a wealth of information and experience to share. Thankfully, many of them have written books that detail their most powerful thoughts, ideas and lessons. The difficult part comes in choosing which ones to read. For the members of Young Entrepreneur Council, the following nine books have been some of the most impactful for their businesses. Below, they discuss these books and why they believe every entrepreneur should read them in order to become better leaders for their teams.
“Resilience” and “innovation” are big buzzwords right now. But what does it take to build these characteristics into your work culture?
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A company's mission serves as the foundation for everything it does. While the specific goals of the business may change over time, your original mission, vision and values should remain intact until you and your team consciously decide to change them. If you find your business moving away from its original mission unintentionally, it may be time to figure out the next steps. To help, nine members of Young Entrepreneur Council share some recommended first steps you should take when you sense your company moving away from its original mission, vision and values. Follow their advice to reassess where you stand and decide whether it's best to return to your core mission or make a conscious pivot.
expert panel
Continuous innovation is important for the growth of any business. All innovation ultimately begins as a simple idea, but bringing that idea to life requires thoughtful and effective experimentation to reach a larger goal. As successful business leaders, the members of Young Entrepreneur Council understand that testing must be done in a careful, controlled environment with clear metrics and benchmarks. Below, eight of them each share one step you should always take when testing out a new idea and explain how that step helps achieve the best end results.
Company details
Epicenter Innovation
Company bio
Epicenter Innovation is driven by human-centered, resilience-focused innovation. By connecting the needs of public safety professionals with private-sector technology, our unique approach to emergency management brings together the tools, learning, and practical experience needed to connect disparate industries & create an impact before, during, and after major disasters. Our services enable resilience innovators to better understand what is needed during the world's most critical moments and, ultimately, save lives.