Member Since August 2020
Growing up in Oxford surrounded me with innovation and really set the stage for my thrust for learning. In 2009 I started my first business. LFA Machines. Since then I have been involved in a number of other businesses with LFA remaining my focus. The thing I love most about being a business owner is the opportunities that I encounter to learn. I feel that in many ways running a business is the ultimate expression of the journey over the destination. Knowing that has allowed me to overcome many of the setbacks I have experienced and ultimately turn them into learning opportunities.

Alastair Sanderson
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expert panel
Email marketing is still among the most effective ways to target an audience. However, for email marketing to be successful, you need to encourage people to sign up for your email list. This step might seem like a simple task, but recently consumers are extra-protective about their email addresses. Individuals have been flooded with spam and have become a lot more cautious about who they share their information with. Even so, there are a few handy tips and tricks that you can use to get people to trust you enough to give you their email -- most notably by being transparent and showing the value you will provide them with. These 12 experts from YEC discuss some of the most effective methods and take a look at why they're so good at convincing people to sign up for your email list.

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Working for a startup is vastly different than working for an established company. Established companies have steady processes and defined operations, while startups often wade through a constant stream of pivots and unknowns. It makes sense, then, that startup employees require certain skills and attitudes to thrive in this type of workplace. We asked 10 members of Young Entrepreneur Council for one quality they believe all startup hires need to have. Here are the traits they deem essential and why each one helps when working in a startup environment.
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These 20 entrepreneurs discuss the best features for remote management of a displaced workforce. Remote working isn't anything new. Many businesses have been leveraging the power of remote workers for years. Industries have replaced onboard hires with freelance workers who operate from anywhere globally, where they can have an uninterrupted internet connection. But with this year’s shift toward an almost entirely displaced workforce, many businesses are struggling to find the best strategies and tools for managing a fully remote team. Industries around the world have grappled with a change in the status quo before. Those businesses that had managers able to adapt to these changes were the ones that survived. With change on this scale, it's impossible to keep holding onto the traditional way of interacting with employees. The office has changed, and managers need to change with it or be replaced by those that do. Typically, upper management develops techniques that they can use in person-to-person interactions. As global offices have moved online, many of those techniques no longer work. As a result, managers are frantically searching for the right technology solutions that can allow them to run a virtual office with the same efficiency as a physical one. To help, 20 members of YEC discuss the innovative software they use to interact and manage their teams and why it's suitable for any company facing the challenges of a displaced workforce.

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A business is only as good as its employees. In order to thrive, you have to ensure our workers are on the same page and willing to grow with you. A truly loyal team will stand with your business during the ups and downs and dedicate themselves to the business’s overall success. To help you build a team that's in it for the long haul, we asked the members of Young Entrepreneur Council for their advice. Below, they shared nine simple ways leaders can earn their team's loyalty.
Company details
LFA Machines Oxford
Company bio
LFA Machines Oxford supplies start up business in the food and pharmaceutical space with machinery to keep them in operation. We manufacturer Tablet Presses, Capsule Fillers and Industrial Powder Mixers that are used to create solid dose forms. Our main customers are supplement manufacturers and businesses involved in confectionary. We also have a strong base amongst compounding pharmacies.