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Eddie Lou's avatarPerson

Eddie Lou


Chicago, IL

Member Since June 2013


Angel Investing
Go to Marketing Strategy


Eddie is Co-founder of CodaPet, a Pet Tech startup.  Previously, Eddie was co-founder of Shiftgig, a VC backed marketplace. Eddie is also a co-founder and executive board member of One Goal Graduation.   Eddie is also an active angel investor in 66 tech startups.

Published content

13 Top Tactics For Becoming A Better Manager

expert panel

Organizational success relies heavily on a supervisor's ability to manage their team. When led properly, a well-managed team works cohesively to reach company goals, navigate challenges and explore new opportunities for growth. To help leaders looking to create cohesion and productivity within their own teams, 13 Young Entrepreneur Council members dive into the most potent methods for managing high-performing teams. From servant leadership to delegation, these effective strategies are instrumental in empowering teams and driving organizational success.

10 Steps Entrepreneurs Wish They'd Taken Before Starting Their Businesses

expert panel

Entrepreneurship can be unpredictable by its very nature, making it difficult to fully prepare for this challenging and exciting journey. In the process of starting and growing a business, entrepreneurs learn valuable lessons along the way, later applying them as they move forward in their careers.  Absent of this real-world experience, new and aspiring entrepreneurs can learn from the insights of seasoned pros, leveraging their winning strategies and avoiding common missteps. Below, the members of Young Entrepreneur Council reflect on the actions they wish they'd taken before launching their businesses. From developing a strong network to investing in market research, here is their best advice on how to set your new venture up for success.

9 Small Businesses Anyone Can Start With Little to No Money Upfront

expert panel

Many aspiring entrepreneurs dream of opening their own business, but they fear that they’ll need to invest a lot of money to do so — and will end up losing that money should their business fail down the road.  Thankfully, there are plenty of businesses that don’t require a lot of capital to get started. To give you an idea of what businesses you might consider, the members of Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) respond to the following question:

10 Steps Every Business Leader Should Take To Jump-Start Their January

expert panel

Kicking off the new year as an entrepreneur means taking a step back to lay down a strategic foundation for success. Taking certain pivotal steps can set the stage for a year full of growth, resiliency and accomplishment. But what are the steps that every business leader should take this January to start the new year strong?  Here, 10 Young Entrepreneur Council members explore their top tips for jump-starting your business in the new year. From strategic planning to embracing a growth mindset, follow their advice to propel you toward success in 2024.

10 Essential Habits For A Calmer And More Successful Entrepreneurial Journey

expert panel

Entrepreneurship is a thrilling pursuit filled with opportunities, but it can also be a breeding ground for stress and burnout. To thrive in the highly demanding world of entrepreneurship, adopting specific habits is essential for reducing, and even avoiding, stress regularly. Below, Young Entrepreneur Council members explore the significance of cultivating these habits and why they are crucial for every entrepreneur. They also share the practices that not only help entrepreneurs navigate the turbulent waters but that also contribute to their long-term success and well-being.

Nine Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make When Fundraising (And How To Avoid Them)

expert panel

Fundraising is often a necessary step for entrepreneurs who are looking to launch their startup but aren’t able to put forth the capital necessary to grow the business. However, the process of securing funding is fraught with complications and presents many opportunities for critical mistakes. Below, nine business leaders from Young Entrepreneur Council each share the mistakes they made while fundraising and the advice they’d recommend to others to avoid the same pitfalls. With these insights, entrepreneurs can build long-term relationships with the right investors who can help take their business to the next level.

Company details


Company bio

CodaPet currently enables a network of veterinarians that offer peaceful at-home pet euthanasia services in Fresno, Oklahoma City, and Nashville. Our network of compassionate and licensed veterinarians are available to help ease the pain of your beloved pet at home, surrounded by family and familiarity. For more information or to schedule an appointment visit or call 1-833-CodaPet.


Information Technology & Services

Area of focus

Job Search

Company size

11 - 50

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