Member Since December 2018
Digital mktg ceo and founder. All gas, no brakes with most things involving work and play. Working on getting on fewer airplanes this year and finishing 2nd book sometime this decade. Bloody mary and snazzy sportcoat enthusiast. And as a passionate yet retired digital media buyer who never had VC funding and had to run a company that turned an actual profit, am in hostile disagreement with the dual trend of (a) ppl calling themselves successful entrepreneurs whilst losing an absurd amount of someone else's money, and (b) a lack of in-the-trenches expertise at the thing your company does. And, as an obvious corollary, am a huge fan of ppl whom are subject matter experts and/or ppl who can turn a profit in running a company...which should be the point...or so i've been told.
Thomas Donohoe
Published content
expert panel
Innovation can change how a company does business and significantly improve its bottom line. That is why innovation should be a core value for any organization, and leaders should spare no efforts to encourage their teams to come up with innovative ideas. However, the stigma in some companies not to appear too "out there" keeps many creative ideas from coming to the fore. Managers that can put their staff at ease during brainstorming sessions of innovation-focused conversations have a much higher chance of getting them to reveal their innovative ideas. For managers who want to learn how to encourage employees to be more open and embrace their creativity, eight contributors to Young Entrepreneur Council speak about their own experiences within their companies and the most effective ways to have more conversations that lead to innovation.
Company details
Level Agency
Company bio
We founded Level in 2010 as a group of passionate, client-side marketing professionals, accustomed to working in the trenches. Our mission: to fill the void of customer generation results in a world of agencies that just didn’t focus on ROI-driven digital advertising. Online marketing was subjective; ad creative was dictated by often mercurial biases of designers and audiences were determined by extemporaneous bursts of amateur psychology. Campaign efficacy was theoretical at worst and questionable at best. Correlation = causation ran rampant across marketing campaigns and conversations. KPIs were non-existent and/or guesswork. And we fight this fight not in verticals of low hanging fruit and brand marketing - we bring these quant-driven marketing campaigns to the doorstep of the toughest industries in the world where you need to deploy weapons-grade digital marketing to eek out a positive ROI. That's how we grow and win - we work in the toughest, most competitive B2C and B2B industries in the world and kick ass where other agencies elect to run pretty branding campaigns and talk about impressions. Level Agency's 75 FTEs will go toe-to-toe with the global players and make their results seem as if they were playing checkers. Why? Because the CEO, President, SVP, and VPs are actual digital marketing and technology experts. We have yet to run into an executive team that can walk the walk as well as our C Suite which translates to every single campaign being elite. What happens when an agency CEO has never done a keyword build? What happens when their President can't articulate an advanced attribution model let alone architect one? You get average results at best. Level Agency changes that approach through top-down thought leadership vs. heard-it-in-a-Davos-clip leadership.