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Brent Liang

Founding Team MemberFractal


Member Since April 2022


Public Speaking
Business Development
Product Design


Mostly dropped out to make the story better.

Published content


Let's go over the the good, the bad and the ugly of gaming NFTs.

Leading A Global Team? Eight Ways To Respect Cultural Differences

expert panel

Global workplaces are a melting pot of cultures, work styles and professional backgrounds. Having a global team is an incredible opportunity to learn more about other individualized experiences and even boost your team's worldly viewpoints. However, employees from different cultures may have differing opinions about leadership styles or even contrasting ways of approaching problems, which can cause disagreements in the workplace. To help ease any conflicts, eight members of Young Entrepreneur Council explain how you can be mindful and respectful of cultural differences when leading a global team.

11 Ways To Sound More Confident And Professional Over The Phone

expert panel

Whether it's cold calls, sales calls or building a relationship with a vendor, phone conversations are prevalent in many professionals' daily working lives. However, it can be tricky to sound confident and at ease over the phone without a face-to-face connection. No matter what your specific role is, getting comfortable with phone conversations is crucial, as these conversations can make or break sales and important working relationships. To help, 11 members of Young Entrepreneur Council offer their tips for sounding more confident during business phone calls and explain why each strategy is so effective.

10 Red Flags That May Indicate Your New Hire Is a Bad Fit

expert panel

All new hires should be given a fair chance to acclimate to their new position and get used to the way things are done within your company. However, after some time, you may start noticing signs that the onboarding period simply isn't going well for your new employee. So how can you tell if it's just new-hire jitters or if they're not a good fit for the role? To help, 10 members of Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) weigh in on the following question:

expert panel

Being a solopreneur is exciting and empowering, but it can often feel draining. Because you're starting a company by yourself, you're often forced to wear many different hats to manage all parts of the business before you can hire any staff. Constantly moving from one task to a very different one can leave you feeling stretched too thin and working longer hours than you'd anticipated. But even without a staff dedicated to helping you control the many moving parts, there are ways you can manage your energy and avoid burnout. To help you do this, a panel of Young Entrepreneur Council members share their best advice for "doing it all" as a solo business owner.

expert panel

As a leader, you likely have a hand in many different sectors of your business, whether it's overseeing employees or directing specific projects. Because of the amount of time you have to devote to so many different activities, you may be losing time jumping from project to project. But there are ways that you can optimize your workflow without risking burnout and still get the same amount of work done—if not more—with time to spare. One of the first steps can be learning how to delegate or automating processes that don't need your direct supervision. Below, eight Young Entrepreneur Council members share these tips and more to give you back a few hours of your time each week.

Company details


Company bio

Fractal is a marketplace for in-game assets & virtual worlds.


Computer Games

Area of focus

Game assets
Virtual World

Company size

11 - 50

This member is no longer active.

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