Member Since December 2021
I was born and raised in Lima, Peru, and played professional tennis before coming to the U.S. for college. After school, I started Rose Hill, a SPAC investment fund focused on Latin American companies. I am always available to connect and meet fellow YEC members!

Juan Jose Rosas
Published content
As a business owner, you should dedicate significant resources and time toward analyzing the capital needs of your expansion plan and the type of investors you want to partner with.
expert panel
Cloud computing has become wildly popular in the past decade as it offers an array of benefits for businesses—especially ones with large-scale operations that require a vast amount of computer system resources. Cloud computing services provide an affordable and secure way to store data and access it on demand so you're not losing money purchasing, storing and maintaining your own servers and data centers. While the benefits of cloud computing are clear, there are countless services available today—and countless ways of implementing them—so getting started can sometimes be overwhelming. To help, eight professionals from Young Entrepreneur Council share their top tips for business owners who are implementing cloud computing for the first time.

expert panel
Members of Young Entrepreneur Council discuss how to leverage tech to meet diversity, equity and inclusion goals. Technology has clear uses in business, whether it’s to create more engaging marketing content or to track annual sales revenue. But one area where its use might not be so obvious is with diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). As employers and employees alike are putting increased focus on this area, however, technology can be leveraged to both meet DEI goals and create new initiatives. But how exactly can technology be used to drive progress in this area? Below, a panel of Young Entrepreneur Council members list a few of the ways in which technology can be used to advance diversity, equity and inclusion efforts and explain why leaders should take advantage of these benefits now.
What is exactly the best way to accomplish this expansion?
Company details
Rose Hill
Company bio
Rose Hill Acquisition Corporation (Nasdaq:ROSE) is a $143.8M Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC) that seeks to partner with a Latin American company of $400 to $1 billion in value with a particular emphasis on public-ready businesses with historical track records of profitability in high growth industries. Rose Hill is comprised of a team of Latin American public company operators, dealmakers, and investors with decades of experience across the region. The company successfully completed an initial public offering in Nasdaq on October 18th, 2021.