Member Since March 2022
Feruza helped many clients in obtaining permanent residence in Canada and Canadian citizenship through immigration programs focusing on businesspeople, entrepreneurs and investors who want to establish successful businesses in Canada and secure the future of their families. Her approach is to offer honest advice and create a clear strategy for her clients. Feruza is a straightforward advisor and always tries to have a very open conversation with each client. Feruza’s in-depth understanding of Canadian immigration law allows her to identify the possibilities available in each immigration file. Licensed to practice law in Ontario, Canada, Feruza established Sobirovs Law Firm in 2012 and since then has been offering tailored immigration solutions for those who want to become Canadian and raise a family in this beautiful country. Her rich international experience and personal knowledge of immigrating to Canada as a young professional gives her a full understanding of why people want to live in Canada. With advanced degrees in law and an extensive career in Canadian immigration law, Feruza always takes extra steps to help her clients achieve their immigration success in Canada. She believes that more exceptional people should make Canada their home. Outside of her work, she loves cooking great food for her family, reading books on self-development and doing high-intensity workouts with Jillian Michaels.

Feruza Djamalova
Published content
expert panel
When you start a business, not only do you have to convince potential customers you can solve their particular problem, but you also have to convince them that your business can solve their problem better than any other company can. Differentiating yourself from your competition in this way is essential if you want to succeed in your niche and build a loyal following of customers. But what steps do you need to take to do so? Here, 12 business leaders from Young Entrepreneur Council share their insights on what new entrepreneurs should do when it comes to differentiating themselves from their competition and what steps they’ll need to take to ensure their success.
expert panel
No business’s sales always trend upward. In fact, there may be times when you see your sales start to even out or even drop for a period of time. While this can be normal, it is also a good indication that you may need to take a look at your current processes to figure out the reason for the dropping numbers. Stagnating sales also provide you with the opportunity to freshen up old campaigns or breathe new life into your current sales tactics. But before you start, consider the following recommendations by the members of Young Entrepreneur Council. Here, they discuss steps you can take to help turn around slowing sales as soon as possible and get your customers engaging once more.
expert panel
Every business faces setbacks at some point. Whether it’s a campaign that didn’t perform as well as you expected or a product that experienced major delays in production, setbacks seem to be part of the everyday entrepreneurial experience. What really makes a difference is how you respond to them. Here, 11 members of Young Entrepreneur Council share how they respond when they experience setbacks in their businesses and what steps they take to effectively reset and move forward.

As an immigrant entrepreneur, you will have to deal with an additional uncertainty—your immigration status.
expert panel
Businesses are made up of a lot of moving parts, so running one can often be a complex endeavor. Without a plan or a strategy for keeping all these moving parts in line, it can be easy to fall into stress, overwhelm and a general sense of unhappiness during your workday. For the members of Young Entrepreneur Council, figuring out what methods work for them has been an ongoing process. Here, they each discuss one specific strategy they’ve found works well for simplifying their day and allowing them to tackle their duties without added stress and overwhelm.

Entrepreneurs are a powerful force driving innovation and economic growth. They take risks, create jobs and are the backbone of the Canadian economy.
Company details
Sobirovs Law Firm
Company bio
We are a team of business and corporate immigration lawyers and professionals based in Toronto, Canada. Our primary goal is to assist businesses, entrepreneurs, and investors from all over the world to relocate and succeed in Canada. We help our clients navigate through Canada’s immigration system with ease and provide hassle-free immigration services. We want our clients to concentrate on growing their business in Canada, not on solving possible immigration problems. We love Canada and believe that immigrants make significant economic, social, and cultural contributions to the prosperity and diversity of our country. We are on a mission to bring more successful, creative, and talented immigrants to our beautiful country.