Member Since February 2022
Since 2005, I have sat in front of hundreds of business owners to develop marketing plans and have taught thousands of sales reps, business owners, and entrepreneurs how to sell. Why are some wildly successful and others aren’t? Why do some get great results and some never truly “get” it? Why do some implement change and skyrocket and others get stuck in analysis paralysis? Their emotional intelligence. Their mindset. How they see themselves. How they think. True Self Leadership. There are 6 principles that, when truly mastered, give both individuals and companies access to unlimited growth. 💎 Self Trust 💎 Personal Responsibility 💎 Self Awareness 💎 Self Concept 💎 Emotional Intelligence 💎 Growth Mindset As the Creator of the Self Leadership Principles - I partner with individuals and sales organizations to take an inside out approach to business growth and build training programs for emotionally intelligent sales teams. We know that none of these principles are new, but that they aren't being used inside of companies to create high performing sales teams. We believe that you true emotional intelligence is the ultimate success tool. We believe that a human first sales experience os mandatory in today’s market - both to win clients and hire and retain top talent. We believe that business is changing - and you can either change with, or be left behind.

Ryann Dowdy
Published content

expert panel
Success as an entrepreneur takes more than just a good business idea -- you also need to have the right mindset. When it comes to entrepreneurial success, your state of mind is critical. Approaching your business with positivity and a goal-oriented mindset not only helps keep you motivated through the ups and downs, but it can also inspire and encourage your team to work together toward common goals. Below, a group of successful business leaders share some of the actions you can take to cultivate an "entrepreneurial mindset" and how doing so themselves has impacted their careers. Read on to learn how to apply these philosophies to your own day-to-day life.
expert panel
It only takes one unhappy customer leaving a negative review to damage a company's reputation and drive away future business. Therefore, it's imperative that customer service teams immediately resolve any customer complaints before they can snowball and turn into bigger problems for a company. To find out the best ways to keep customers happy, a panel of Young Entrepreneur Council members offer their best advice on how leaders can improve their customer service efforts by being proactive rather than reactive.
expert panel
Hiring the right people to join your team is one of the toughest challenges business owners may face. Not only do you want to find someone who believes in your mission, but you also need someone who fits into your company culture and has the necessary skills to succeed. There are many considerations business leaders should take into account when hiring someone new, including previous success rates, enthusiasm and clarity on the role. To ensure you're bringing on the right team members, follow these seven steps outlined by Young Entrepreneur Council business leaders.

True growth, success and fulfillment come when you are able to find a balance between your energies.
expert panel
When you’re a small team, every employee plays a key role in the business. From marketing efforts to sales to operations, each aspect of the business needs a full team effort in order to get off the ground—and that can often mean team members work beyond the scope of the roles which they were hired for. With so much extra time and effort being put in, leaders will want to ensure their teams have all the support they need to achieve their goals. Below, eight members of Young Entrepreneur Council share a few of the ways startup leaders can show their support and set their teams up for success.
expert panel
The end of any year is often a time of reflection and self-awareness, with many people taking the time to look at both what went well and what went wrong, as well as what they can do to improve over the next 365 days. For leaders, it can be a time to reflect on their own leadership style, their strengths and their weaknesses. Over the past year, the members of Young Entrepreneur Council have learned a lot about how to be great leaders and what it means to lead others. Below, they share 10 of the lessons they learned and why they think these are important lessons any entrepreneur can glean insights from.
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Be in the Room
Company bio
Connect. Lead. Elevate. Be in the Room is the premier community for the next generation of female leaders. It’s a space to CONNECT with other like-minded women that span different industries and job titles. It’s a space to show your ability to LEAD - through idea sharing, community, and collaboration. It’s a space to ELEVATE - your mission, your life, and your goals.