Member Since October 2018
I've been working in Advertising for 11+ years. I started in New York at some of the biggest agencies then moved to Seattle where I continued to work at big agencies for big clients. There's a powerful swing in agencies where you're either highly respected or treated as disposable, especially as a lowly assistant. At my second agency I was an assistant who worked directly under the VP and owned a $10MM+ account. I worked 12+ hour days and was exhausted. In 2011 I started a digital marketing agency where I wanted to keep the organization flat, hiring only experts so that assistants weren't getting steam rolled. I wanted an agency that truly put people first where if someone needed to go pick up their kids from daycare there was no question. Where everyone logs off at five (which they do!). Where no person is an island (even though we're a distributed agency). Where policy change comes from hearing from the people doing the work rather than executives with no understanding on what people need. Last year this was really put to the test when we had two people go on Maternity/Paternity leave back to back and another employee diagnosed with cancer. We survived with all employees back in full action and financially stronger. I'm incredibly proud of the agency I've helped build and look forward to offering these benefits to more people as we continue to expand.

Kerry Guard
Published content
Sep 2, 2021
If we're feeling lonely, then it's up to us to do something about it.
expert panel
No matter if your company has been remote since the start or if you’re new to the remote working environment, you can always learn new remote employee onboarding tips to improve your virtual onboarding process. From potential technical difficulties to struggles connecting with your team, the issues associated with virtual onboarding can be smoothed over with the right strategies in place. Here, 10 members of Young Entrepreneur Council list out what those strategies should include in order to be successful.
expert panel
One of the biggest challenges for any new entrepreneur is learning their own sales habits and processes. It can take years for a person to really hone their skills and become an excellent salesperson. To help those starting out on their sales journey, the experts of Young Entrepreneur Council shared their experiences. Below they discussed the sales tips they wish they knew when they first started out and how those lessons can help new and aspiring entrepreneurs get on a path to business success.
expert panel
For many professionals, making a mistake at work can be a big hit to their self-confidence. The scenario can weigh on your mind and cause you to feel like you’re bad at your job or that you’re not cut out for your particular profession. Recovering your self-confidence after a mistake takes some time, but it can be done, and the faster you do so, the more effective you'll be in the future. But forgiving yourself isn’t always so easy. Below, eight professionals from Young Entrepreneur Council discuss how to bounce back after a mistake and how not to be too hard on yourself going forward.
expert panel
As a new entrepreneur, you might battle limiting beliefs or unrealistic expectations that you’ve yet to flag or identify. However, as you progress in your business, you’ll learn there are certain ideas and habits you’ll need to shed in order to reach your fullest potential. The first step to doing so, of course, is acknowledging what you must set free. Below, a panel of Young Entrepreneur Council members shared the most important things they gave up in order to advance in their careers. Here's how letting go helped them move forward.
expert panel
Whether you’re job hunting or starting a business, it’s important to play to your strengths throughout your career. By zeroing in your natural interests and aptitudes, you’re more likely to find the right opportunities and achieve success. That’s why it’s a good idea to continually refine and improve upon your core strengths. To that end, we asked members of Young Entrepreneur Council how they recommend capitalizing on those existing strengths and making them even stronger. They shared their best strategies below.
Company details
MKG Marketing
Company bio
We are a digital marketing agency comprised of experts in Digital Advertising, SEO, and Analytics in Technology and Healthcare. Our goal is to drive towards your business outcomes. We only hire people with 5+ years of experience giving you direct line to the people developing the strategy and pulling the levers in execution. We are a people first organization, focused on our employees well being and happiness. This creates less turnover and happy people who produce great work and results. We are also a SCRUM based company which keeps communication between us and the clients transparent, creates clear expectations in terms of deadlines, and allows us to remove roadblocks quicker to deliver our work more efficiently and thoughtfully.