Member Since March 2018
My sister had already cornered the lemonade stand market so my first entrepreneurial enterprise was hauling rocks from the quarry to break open and sell the crystals to compete with her. I then took the profits from those summers to buy and flip energy drinks to sell to the “wealthy” students at school. I graduated high-school early at 16 to work my way through college where I quickly realized how difficult it is to manage a business 12 hours a day and attend college, so I joined the Army shortly after I turned 17 to finish my education. Graduating the top of my class in school, I became a missile defense engineer and assistant tactical director; operating, managing, and directing defense systems and weapons modernization. I felt truly blessed to be honored by Congressmen, the President, and non-profits for my work those years- honorably leaving the service in 2012. I also started my first company and worked on a few patents during this time . After leaving the service, I became a lobbyist for college/professional training programs for disabled veterans as well as was appointed to serve in a number of city government and relations roles to include: Austin City Redistricting Commissioner, Director of the University of Texas City Relations Agency, member of the Board of Directors for University Area Business Partners, and a member of the Mayor's Task Force- I also working several election campaigns from ‘12-‘16. When a tragic murder occurred on the UT Campus, I developed the concept and built the team that would become Campus Watch, a safety app for colleges and universities that uses technology to drastically reduce the response time by campus and city police departments- think Uber but for emergency services. After exiting, I started Newchip out of a passion for entrepreneurship (having built several companies myself and advising companies for over a decade) and to date we’ve helped about 500+ entrepreneurs raise over $100M since 2016.

Andrew Ryan
Published content

Aug 12, 2020
Turn your webcam on and start pitching.
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The #1 Online Accelerator: We provide founders with all of the tools and skills necessary to build, scale, and fund their startups.