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Natalie MacNeil

FuturistNatalie MacNeil Inc.

Los Angeles, CA

Member Since March 2012


Natalie MacNeil is a Futurist, Seer, and Emmy Award-winning media entrepreneur.

Published content

Why So Many Women Entrepreneurs Lie (And How To Stop)


Perfection is boring. It's also not a reflection of what really happens when you set out to start a business on your own.

Point Your Business In The Right Direction With Three Simple Questions


Starting your own business? Forget the complicated, 50-page business plan -- and focus on getting your goals down on paper first.

Starting Up? Use A Survey To Assess Your Strengths And Weaknesses


For first-time entrepreneurs who want to know how and what to delegate, it's important to understand your weaknesses first.

The Five Archetypes Of Talkative Women


Professional women talk a lot. But when is it better to be quiet?

Company details

Natalie MacNeil Inc.



Company size

2 - 10