Member Since June 2019
Rewire your brain with Klyn Elsbury, a leading high performance coach and a top requested keynote speaker as her trainings reach 250,000 people a month with her message for how you can have more PURPOSE. POWER. & PROSPERITY. Every week on her podcast, blog, and social media, Klyn shares tactical tips to help overcome struggles & accomplish feats previously deemed impossible. This is an intimate & raw glimpse into the life & mind of one of the most watched, followed and tactical personal development trainers. She has been featured in over 150+ publications including SUCCESS, NPR, NBC Nightly News, and FORBES.

Klyn Elsbury
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Jun 11, 2020
Feeling like you're not good enough can leave you struggling with your job and halt your career growth.

expert panel
Entrepreneurs can be so busy in today's business world that they lose sight of themselves. Introspection has an essential place in an entrepreneur's mindset. Understanding one's goals and motivations can help one come to terms with what one wants out of life. The underlying problem that affects leaders that don't delve into self-discovery when they should, is not fully understanding how this exercise can benefit them. Introspection is more than mere navel-gazing. It imparts in-depth knowledge about oneself that can go on to aid a leaders' business interests. Fifteen associates of Young Entrepreneur Council offer insight into how any entrepreneur can make the most of daily reflection or journaling practices.

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Trust is essential in a team, especially in times of change. Leaders need to believe employees will carry out their tasks properly, and employees need to believe heir leaders are taking them in the right direction. But trust between people isn’t a given -- it has to be earned. So how can you effectively build trust among your team during times of uncertainty? We asked members of Young Entrepreneur Council how leaders can earn and keep employees' trust during a pivot or critical point in the company. Their best responses are below.

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It's often said that a happy employee is a motivated, productive one. If your team members are feeling good about themselves and their work, they’ll bring that positive energy into everything they do. That's why it's so important to keep a close eye on your overall team morale. We polled a group of Young Entrepreneur Council members to find out how they keep tabs on the general sentiment among their team members. Below, nine of them share their best and most effective approach.
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The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted nearly every business and industry in some capacity. Some non-essential employees have taken to remote work, while many others have faced reduced hours or layoffs. With this widespread loss of income and minimal social outings, many consumers have also cut back their spending. That’s why retaining your current customers is more important than ever in today's world. Below, 10 members of Young Entrepreneur Council share some effective customer retention strategies they're leveraging during these uncertain times.

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At times it can be difficult to turn off our emotions -- especially when it comes to separating personal feelings and work. While it’s perfectly normal to have negative feelings in the face of difficult work situations, wallowing in these emotions for too long can affect your job performance as well as your overall well-being. Whether you’re dealing with low confidence, adversity or rejection, building a thicker skin can help you make it through whatever professional challenges you're facing. Below, 10 members of Young Entrepreneur Council share some tips to help you brush off feelings of negativity and press onward.
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MK Foundation
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We transform minds through impactful keynotes and seminars world-wide on the topic of mastering resilience, ending excuses, and getting unstuck.