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John Hall

Co-Founder and PresidentCalendar

Columbia, MO

Member Since January 2014


Public Speaking
Content Strategy


John Hall is the Co-Founder and President of Calendar, a leading scheduling app that he’s convinced will change how we manage and invest our time. He authored the best-selling book “Top of Mind,” published by McGraw-Hill. John was a recipient of the EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award for Best Emerging Company and was recognized as one of the Business Journals’ Top 100 Visionaries. He is consistently mentioned in major publications as a top influencer, leader, and speaker. John writes weekly columns for Forbes and Inc. and has contributed to more than 50 online publications, including Inc., Harvard Business Review, Fortune, Fast Company, and Mashable.

Published content

16 Things That Make a Mentorship Relationship Successful

expert panel

From your experience, what makes a mentorship relationship successful, and how can someone find or become a great mentor in their field?

expert panel

When it comes to building a healthy working relationship with your employees, trust is essential. However, building trust takes time, and for new employees, it can be even more challenging. As a manager, you want to establish trust with your new hires as quickly as possible to set the stage for a positive and productive working relationship. Fortunately, there are practical steps you can take to build trust with your new employees from day one. From establishing clear expectations to showing empathy and support, these strategies can help you create a culture of trust and respect that can benefit your team and your organization. To help, Young Entrepreneur Council members share their best tips for quickly establishing trust.

expert panel

When it comes to business cybersecurity, there's no such thing as "too small a target." If your company uses poor cybersecurity practices, leaving sensitive customer or company data at risk, hackers can exploit those vulnerabilities to accomplish their goals—no matter how big or small your company is. In the same way, however, cybersecurity doesn’t have to require major capital to implement. Below, eight members of Young Entrepreneur Council each share one practical, affordable way a company of any size can protect itself and its data from hackers and phishing attacks, and why these methods are so effective.

expert panel

There are countless successful entrepreneurs and thought leaders in the world today, each with a wealth of information and experience to share. Thankfully, many of them have written books that detail their most powerful thoughts, ideas and lessons. The difficult part comes in choosing which ones to read. For the members of Young Entrepreneur Council, the following nine books have been some of the most impactful for their businesses. Below, they discuss these books and why they believe every entrepreneur should read them in order to become better leaders for their teams.

expert panel

Building a personal brand as an industry expert is no doubt one of the best ways to draw attention to your business. But it’s not just about having new ideas—when trying to build your reputation as a thought leader and expert in your field, connecting with others should be high on your priority list. After all, sharing your thoughts and experience is nothing without an engaged audience to listen to it. So how do you balance connection and creating interesting content at the same time?  The members of Young Entrepreneur Council have a few ideas. As business leaders themselves, they have experience building up their personal brands as thought leaders and industry experts, and below, they share seven ways you can authentically connect with others while making the positive impression necessary to build a loyal and engaged audience.

Company details


Company bio

Calendar harnesses the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning to give smart suggestions for when, where, and how your meetings can take place. There's no single calendar agent that offers all the features busy professionals need today, including automated meeting transcriptions, analytics, smart scheduling, and many others that can both optimize and simplify people’s lives. is recreating the calendar experience for the modern day person, business, and brand.


Marketing & Advertising

Area of focus

Productivity Tools

Company size

11 - 50