Member Since May 2022
Jay received a Bachelor of Accounting from Brigham Young University, Provo, UT in 2011.

Jay Dahal
Published content
When looking for a top-tier e-wallet provider, there are few questions you should ask.
expert panel
Getting started in any role can be intimidating, but this can be even more true for those new to marketing. In an industry that’s fast-paced and ever-changing, it’s essential to both keep up with the latest trends as well as understand the tried-and-true basics of the trade. With extensive experience marketing their own businesses, the members of Young Entrepreneur Council have their own thoughts about how to succeed in marketing. Here, they each share one rule or guiding principle they believe all new marketers should follow right off the bat and how doing so will affect their success in their role.
Borderless finance is becoming more important as individuals seek to live remote lifestyles.
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Different people have different comfort levels with risk-taking. Some are willing to jump out of an airplane just for the thrill of the adventure, while others may push themselves by reaching out to make a new friend. When it comes to entrepreneurship, your comfort level with risk may not necessarily prevent you from aspiring to be a business owner, but it can affect your success once you become one. Business owners take risks every day, so those who may be more risk averse by nature may struggle to grow if they aren’t willing to take a chance every once in a while. Here, eight members of Young Entrepreneur Council offer their guidance on how risk-averse entrepreneurs can get more comfortable taking risks and why doing so is important to their long-term success.
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Bringing on new hires to your team is always a gamble. While applications, resumes and interviews can help you make an educated decision about whether or not you think someone would be a good fit for your company, you never truly know until you hire them and they start working in their role. This is why a trial period can be a useful next step in the hiring process that can help you see how a candidate tackles real-life problems. However, to ensure a trial period is an effective test of a new hire's abilities and potential, you’ll want to strategize thoughtfully. To help, eight members of Young Entrepreneur Council share their best tips for designing an effective trial period so you—and the hire—get the most out of it.
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For an introverted or shy entrepreneur, public relations may not be a favorite activity—but it's a necessary one. Without good PR, you can’t get a positive message out about your company or connect effectively with potential stakeholders, both of which are vital to growing your business. If networking and speaking about your business don’t come naturally to you, the members of Young Entrepreneur Council have a few tips that can help you improve. Below, they discuss these tips and how they can help introverted or shy business owners successfully (and confidently) get through any public relations activities they may need to participate in for the good of their business.
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Company bio
Machnet is an all-in-one banking, compliance, payment, and payout infrastructure - reimagined and built for cross-border businesses. Machnet provides all the necessary infrastructure for customers to compliantly build, launch, and scale their cross-border payment products. Its goal is to provide a platform that enables the next generation of global FinTech builders.