Member Since December 2019
Jared is a partner at LaunchTeam, a strategic consultancy and marketing agency that connects experts with companies to facilitate growth, and a Venture Partner at 7BC, a multi-stage VC fund. Since 2017, the companies Jared has worked with have raised over $500mm in traditional venture capital and crowdfunding. In a previous life, Jared was an Intelligence Analyst at the FBI, where he joined at the age of 21 and worked white-collar investigations. Jared’s hobbies include travel, photography, and writing. He has visited over 50 countries, lived in 4, and is a big believer in remote work and decentralized teams. He holds a BBA from The University of Texas at Austin and a Master's in Finance from Sciences Po Paris.

Jared Polites
Published content
expert panel
A business is only as good as its employees. In order to thrive, you have to ensure our workers are on the same page and willing to grow with you. A truly loyal team will stand with your business during the ups and downs and dedicate themselves to the business’s overall success. To help you build a team that's in it for the long haul, we asked the members of Young Entrepreneur Council for their advice. Below, they shared nine simple ways leaders can earn their team's loyalty.
expert panel
As an entrepreneur, it’s important to create and implement a branding strategy for your business. This will help you better connect with your customers and share your company’s story/personality with your target audience. Developing a branding strategy can be challenging if you don’t know where to begin, so we asked members of Young Entrepreneur Council to share some specific brands or personalities whose top-notch branding strategies are worthy of emulation. Read their responses to familiarize yourself with these successful branding tactics.

expert panel

expert panel

expert panel
Aug 10, 2020
Switching a “bad” habit for a good one is not always the best option. We all have bad habits or simply attitudes or routines we would like to change because they are not healthy for us. While not all bad habits are truly bad, it’s important to be able to discern what needs to change for us to advance in our personal and professional life. The internet is full of advice and tips from self-proclaimed gurus on how to shake off a bad habit, but that doesn’t mean their advice works for everyone. Changing your habits is a huge step to take, but before embarking on this journey, you need to become aware of the most common pitfalls and misconceptions of effecting this kind of change. To help, nine members of Young Entrepreneur Council look at the most common misconceptions and why they may impact your ability to successfully change habits.
Company details
Company bio
LaunchTeam is a niche marketing agency, accelerator, and management consulting firm that leverages a private network of expert partners to drive growth.