Member Since July 2020
Cody Candee is the founder of Bounce, a platform for luggage storage in local shops & hotels that operates in more than 150 cities globally. Prior to that, Cody was a product manager for Intuit where he built a global payment platform for small businesses to transact online around the world.

Cody Candee
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Many studies show that demonstrating employee appreciation boosts morale and promotes loyalty. However, with so much "busyness" in a typical day-to-day work environment, it can be difficult to remember to slow down and show that appreciation. Birthdays, work anniversaries and milestone accomplishments are perfect opportunities to celebrate and thank your employees for their contributions. Below, eight members of Young Entrepreneur Council discuss ways to express your gratitude to employees during these events or on any special-occasion basis.
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During the Covid-19 pandemic, many businesses have permanently migrated to a remote working environment. While these working arrangements have their benefits, one aspect that may be neglected is company culture, leading to low productivity and camaraderie throughout your team. During the winter months, when workers may deal with seasonal depression or post-holiday blues, it's important to keep spirits high. To help you do this, eight members of Young Entrepreneur Council shared some ways for leaders to liven up the energy of their remote teams all winter long.

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Every professional should master the art of persuasion. Whether you're negotiating for a raise, pitching to an investor, giving a presentation, or trying to win a new client, having influence can help reach your goal. Below, eight members of Young Entrepreneur Council share top tips to appeal to others — and why those tactics work so well.

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The future of your business relies on finding the best candidates to hold senior positions. Making the right choice can spell the difference between success and failure for your company, but it isn’t always easy finding the best fit to lead your company to the next stage. To help fellow leaders hiring for senior-level roles, Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) members weighed in on the following question:
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Even when candidates for a role have all the knowledge and experience necessary to excel in a position, they may not end up being the best fit for the job. For this reason, many employers choose to put new hires on a trial period before they decide whether or not to keep them on full time. When conducting a trial period for a new hire, there are several things you can evaluate candidates on to ensure they’re the right fit. Below, eight members of Young Entrepreneur Council discuss the criteria they recommend using to evaluate new hires during a trial period and how these play a role in whether or not they would decide to keep them on as full-time employees.
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Technology is evolving at a faster pace than ever, and each change affects the consumer market in different ways. Every year, innovations are introduced that impact the market in ways some people never would have imagined. Now that 2021 has come to a close, professionals in every industry are anticipating the tech innovations that will take the market by storm in the coming year. Below, eight members of Young Entrepreneur Council weigh in to share which tech innovations they believe will have the greatest impact on the market in 2022.

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In the war for tech talent, a well-crafted, well-placed job listing can make all the difference. There's a certain art to listing a job, from posting to the right websites to using the right language that will attract the right candidate. This can be especially difficult when trying to find the best tech talent. Depending on the exact wording of the job listing, your company could potentially receive tons of applications from candidates who aren't right for the job. On the other hand, many talented potential applicants may pass by your job listing if it doesn't appeal to their unique skill set and career goals. To help, a panel of Young Entrepreneur Council members offered their best advice for optimizing your tech job listings.
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The new year always brings with it the desire to make changes and resolutions that will better both yourself and your company. It can be exciting to look back at all that you've achieved in a year and look ahead to what else you can do in the future. Maybe there are certain projects your team didn't get to that you hope to complete, or goals you didn't quite reach that seem even more achievable now. While "new year" projects are an exciting prospect, it can also be overwhelming to try to accomplish so many new goals and initiatives at once. Below, nine Young Entrepreneur Council members shared their best advice for prioritizing and planning during Q1.
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As many professional organizations shift toward a remote work environment, maintaining a supportive company culture is more important than ever. The “Great Resignation” has already upended numerous industries where employees report work environments that make them unhappy, leading to labor shortages across a variety of markets. That's why today's leaders must focus on cultivating an appealing culture that people actually want to stay in. To help, a panel of Young Entrepreneur Council members offered their ideas for how leaders can bolster their workplace environment—remote or otherwise—for the better. Follow their recommendations to build a culture where people willingly collaborate and support each other.

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There is no shortage of advice blogs, books and podcasts about entrepreneurship these days. Sifting through all of this advice can take up valuable time and, unfortunately, not all of it will actually help you succeed. That's why it's helpful to learn targeted tips from entrepreneurs who understand what it takes to launch and grow a successful startup. To share the good and warn against the bad, 10 members of Young Entrepreneur Council gave their advice for first-time entrepreneurs. Follow their tips when you need guidance to get you through the early days of your business endeavors.

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Nov 12, 2021
Due to their dispersed nature, remote companies are tasked with finding innovative ways to remain transparent and keep communication flowing throughout the business. When teammates and whole departments aren’t able to interact together in person, the way they communicate must adapt. But when communication breaks down, information silos can develop, leading to confusion and low morale. In this way, it's especially important for all-remote companies to keep team members connected and informed as much as possible. Below, eight members of Young Entrepreneur Council share the essential steps that all-remote companies can take to keep information silos from forming and instead keep communication flowing between departments and across the company.

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Employees aren’t the only ones who can receive feedback about their performance at work. As a manager or business leader, it’s important to receive feedback from your employees so you can understand how you’re doing and what you need to do to improve. While every manager hopes for positive feedback, they may still receive negative feedback from time to time, and it’s how they respond to that feedback that can really make the difference. If an employee thinks you're not performing at your best and lets you know about it, there are some steps you should take to address the complaint the right way. Below, eight members of Young Entrepreneur Council explained what leaders should do after they receive negative feedback.
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The digital marketing industry has seen an influx of growth over the past few years. More businesses than ever are adapting to the digital arena brought on by the global pandemic. This change of pace has spurred new digital marketing trends that have replaced previous outdated strategies. Below, 10 members of Young Entrepreneur Council explained which recent digital marketing trends they're most excited about and why. Here's what they believe the future of marketing will look like, and how these trends have already impacted their own efforts.

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No matter how well-aligned two business partners may be, there will inevitably be times when they don't see eye to eye. However, when larger issues arise and the partners are no longer on the same page, it's critical for both parties to get back on track to resolve their conflict. Otherwise, they risk making decisions (or making no decisions at all) that could ultimately harm the business and its culture. If you and your business partner can't seem to agree on an important issue, first remember that you're working toward the same goal: the good of the company. Then, try these 15 strategies recommended by Young Entrepreneur Council members for realigning with your partner and resolving conflict.

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Accurately gauging the fit of a job candidate can be difficult, and sometimes new hires who seemed great during the interview process don't pan out as expected. In situations like this, a leader must take action to course-correct and figure out the problem before the whole team suffers. To help you identify some red flags to look for early in a new employee's tenure, a panel of Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) members answered the following question:

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Oct 26, 2021
Members of Young Entrepreneur Council discuss the methods they wish companies would stop using to advertise on mobile. With average smartphone users spending somewhere between three to six hours a day on their phones, it’s no wonder that marketers are trying to capitalize on this time. However, some marketers have been going about it the wrong way, creating unnecessary friction or irritation for users simply trying to consume content. According to this panel of Young Entrepreneur Council members, the following 10 mobile marketing methods are some of the worst offenders. Consider removing these strategies from your plans if you want to make the most of your mobile marketing efforts.

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Everyone has certain biases, but making an objective business decision requires you to recognize and set aside those perceptions. Human beings are biased by nature. Each of us forms opinions about the world based on the experiences we've had and the backgrounds we come from. While bias itself is not inherently bad, it's important for entrepreneurs to understand their own unconscious biases and work to eliminate them from their business decisions to ensure the fairest outcomes for all involved. Below, a group of successful entrepreneurs shared their best tips for recognizing your own biases and removing them from your decision-making process. Follow their advice to achieve greater objectivity within your company.
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As a new business owner, it's wise to work with someone who has been in your shoes and possesses the experience to help you navigate any uncertainty you might face. Launching and running a successful business requires time, energy and seasoned insight. However, many budding entrepreneurs tend to shy away from spending money on a consultant. If you're unsure whether it's worth investing in a business consultant, there are some clear indicators that might suggest you could benefit from one. Below, a panel of Young Entrepreneur Council members shared 10 signs you should hire a consultant for your business.
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Long-term brand recognition and customer loyalty are common goals of almost every business. To create this kind of longevity, business owners will need to create brands that people like, remember and trust. As successful business leaders themselves, the members of Young Entrepreneur Council understand what it takes to build a company that withstands the test of time. Below, they shared eight key steps you can take to cultivate a truly timeless brand.
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In the first half of 2021, the e-commerce industry hit $408.51 billion, which is up nearly 22% from the previous year. With so much room for growth and a promising future in a digital-first world, e-commerce continually attracts entrepreneurs and their business ideas. Before launching a new venture, however, it's important to have the right strategy in place. Below, nine members of Young Entrepreneur Council shared their recommended steps for entrepreneurs looking to scale an e-commerce business. Here's how to ensure your online company thrives in the current marketplace.

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Pinpointing a target audience is one of the most crucial steps in launching any successful business effort, including creating marketing campaigns and increasing sales. However, determining your audience is often much easier said than done. Before you can narrow down your ideal customer, you need to know how to do it correctly. To that end, a panel of Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) members answered the following question:
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With so many professionals now leaving their current jobs and rethinking their future career goals, companies are looking for ways to retain their employees for the long term. However, it can be difficult for leaders to identify a clear strategy for loyalty-building and employee retention, especially with larger teams. To help, nine members of Young Entrepreneur Council shared strategies for leaders to build or earn loyalty from employees. Follow their advice to keep your best workers on board and satisfied for years to come.
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Before a new business can set up a marketing strategy, the very first thing it must do is determine who its target customers are. While it may seem simple to pinpoint your ideal customer, sometimes you can end up making assumptions that aren’t actually true, and if you don't get your target customer base right, your marketing efforts will be focused on the wrong people. Fortunately, there are some tried-and-true ways for a business to determine who its target customers are. Here, eight members of Young Entrepreneur Council share their best tips for how to go about doing just that.
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Getting press for your business is important for growth and for your bottom line. The larger the audience that sees or hears about your company in the news, the more potential customers your business brings in. But for smaller businesses or for businesses with smaller budgets, PR and marketing campaigns might not be cost-effective. To support your business’s growth on a budget, eight members of Young Entrepreneur Council shared some easy ways of getting positive publicity and free press coverage. Follow their recommendations to boost awareness of your business for little to no marketing spend.
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Influencer marketing has become one of the primary ways brands advertise their products since the rise of social media. However, when celebrities and influencers become embroiled in scandal, the brands they represent end up dropping them. In addition, the pandemic has changed the way customers have been interacting with brands, forcing many to rethink their strategies. It's apparent that influencer marketing is changing, but what direction it's headed in isn't exactly clear. To share their insights, members of Young Entrepreneur Council weigh in with their predictions for the future of influencer marketing in the coming months and years.
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When you work in a team setting, conflict is inevitable. However, when members of your team aren't getting along, the negative energy can be toxic for the entire team and the business can suffer as a result. Part of a leader's responsibility is to help mediate conflict in such situations and generate positivity throughout the team. Here, eight members of Young Entrepreneur Council share the most effective ways they know to mediate conflict and provide positive conflict resolution when their team members aren’t working well together.

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Members of Young Entrepreneur Council share strategies for making your sales pitch over Zoom more effective. It’s a generally understood rule of sales that your sales pitch and technique should always adapt to the individual client or business you’re selling to. To be a truly effective salesperson, however, you must also adapt your technique to the environment in which you’re pitching. Increasingly, the sales environment of choice has been over Zoom or other video conferencing tools. Because you don’t have your usual in-person strategies to fall back on, you’ll want to consider these 10 steps recommended by a panel of Young Entrepreneur Council members if you want to nail your next pitch.

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Members of Young Entrepreneur Council discuss some major issues with the e-commerce experience. In 2020 alone, e-commerce sales worldwide reached a total of nearly $4.3 trillion, and it continues to be one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. However, that doesn't mean consumers are always happy with their online shopping experience. From lack of product information on e-commerce websites to slow page speeds, customers have spotted holes in the e-commerce experience providers should be filling. To help e-commerce companies create better customer experiences, 12 members of Young Entrepreneur Council shared the biggest pain points customers face and potential solutions companies can implement.
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A public relations crisis is a common incident many companies face at some point. The lasting impact of the incident is not so much about the crisis itself, but the way it’s handled. In the midst of the crisis, it’s important to approach your audience and the issue at hand with careful consideration. This is often achieved by delivering the right communication at the right time through the right medium, such as your social media channels. Below, 15 members of YEC shared some of the ways you can use social media to help resolve negative PR situations as they occur.

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expert panel
Jul 15, 2021
So, you have a great business idea and a basic foundation of your vision. Your next step, before pitching to investors or even thinking about launch day, is to write a solid business plan. A business plan serves as the guide to your business’s beginnings by laying out potential stumbling blocks and fielding your target market. However, crafting one isn't always as easy as it seems. Below, nine members of Young Entrepreneur Council explain what they wish they'd known when they were writing their first business plans and why that would have helped them.
expert panel
Jul 13, 2021
A normal part of running a business is having ideas fail. However, sometimes these circumstances lead to crises within the business. When this happens, employees look to business leaders for guidance on how to respond. To help your company handle crises in a competent manner, you need to have a level mindset. Professionals from Young Entrepreneur Council offer eight ways you can calmly manage a company crisis.
expert panel
Jul 13, 2021
Transparency is often boasted as a defining quality of successful business leaders. Oftentimes it helps team members feel valued and comfortable enough to share their own opinions. But can too much transparency have negative effects on company operations and employee morale? Keeping information from being distracting or detrimental to the workplace requires evaluating the situation to determine when you should be a transparent leader. Here, eight members of Young Entrepreneur Council share when it's time to draw a line on being open with positive and negative news.

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Making thorough, educated decisions doesn't have to take tons of time. In the business world, leaders often need to make quick decisions. However, because they’re made during a time crunch, these choices can be rash — at least when not approached the right way. Thankfully, there are ways to efficiently make decisions while still thinking through all your options. Below, 13 members of Young Entrepreneur Council offered tips for speeding up your decision-making process while still ensuring quality. Follow their tips to help you get better at making fast, but thorough decisions.

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There are some business leaders who instantly light up a room when they walk into it. They have this charisma that draws people to them and makes others want to listen. However, if you don't feel like you have this type of personality naturally, you don't have to give up on being able to make a positive impact on others. With a few simple techniques, you can be a business leader whom others look up to and wish to be. Below, 13 professionals from Young Entrepreneur Council offer their best advice for how to be a positive influence even when charisma doesn't come naturally to you.

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Members of Young Entrepreneur Council share their best tips for marketing your newly launched mobile app. When launching a new app, you’ll want to invest your time, money and effort into marketing it. Otherwise, you won’t reach your intended audience or boost your sales. If people don’t know about your app, they likely won’t be able to find it or won’t feel inclined to try it out. To that end, 13 members of Young Entrepreneur Council shared marketing tactics a company can use to get people excited about their new application before and after launch. Here’s what they recommend and why these methods work so well.

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Just because a piece of advice is common doesn't mean it applies to every entrepreneur. Follow your passion. Always be hustling. Don’t be afraid to take risks. Every new and aspiring entrepreneur has likely heard common pieces of business advice like this repeated over and over again. The problem is that these types of tips are rarely universal; each business is unique and needs to find its own path to success, regardless of what has worked for other entrepreneurs. Below, eight successful entrepreneurs shared some common business principles that they believe are overrated. Here's why they think you shouldn't necessarily follow these tips, and what they would advise doing instead.

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Members of Young Entrepreneur Council share the best technology innovations they've seen recently and why each is so impressive. The technology industry continues to boom faster than ever, especially in today's digital-first world. New innovations are springing up every day, from smartphone technology to machine learning and more. Tech innovations not only optimize business practices across industries, but also afford a better quality of life to consumers. But which ones are the most impressive and useful? Below, 10 members of Young Entrepreneur Council describe what they see as the best recent tech innovations and why each one is so helpful.

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Everyone experiences changes in their lives, whether big or small, and the stress that comes along with these changes can either hurt you or allow you to grow stronger. One of the best ways to manage this stress is to learn to be more adaptable. When you're able to adapt, you're less likely to feel stressed by minor or major changes that happen in life. Here, 13 members of Young Entrepreneur Council explain how you can adapt to whatever comes your way so you can fight off the stress of new circumstances.
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Startup accelerators and incubators are great opportunities for new businesses to grow and scale their operations quickly. These programs are pivotal for the startups who participate in them, as they often provide access to exclusive business resources and funding opportunities. However, they can also be highly competitive -- acceptance to an accelerator program relies on creating a compelling pitch and proving your startup's potential right out of the gate. If you're thinking of applying to a startup accelerator or incubator, consider this advice from the members of Young Entrepreneur Council.

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Jun 14, 2021
Members of Young Entrepreneur Council predict which industries AI is likely to have a major impact on in the near future. Artificial intelligence has already had a major impact on the tech industry. The numerous products and applications that now run on AI have allowed businesses and consumers alike to streamline everyday tasks and save valuable time and effort. As AI becomes more readily available, it will continue to become more prominent in other industries. Below, a panel of Young Entrepreneur Council experts shared which fields they believe artificial intelligence will disrupt next and why. Keep an eye out for AI-powered trends in these 14 industries.
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Jun 8, 2021
The key to success for most startups is having adequate funds for growth. In many cases, this means finding investors and raising capital to get your business off the ground. As founders seeking capital quickly learn, finding the right investor is often all about who you know. To that end, nine Young Entrepreneur Council members shared their top tips for building and maintaining relationships with experts in your field. These industry relationships can open countless new doors for you when it comes time to seek an investor for your business.
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Business leaders often think they need to have all the answers. It's true that a manager or executive should be a trusted source of information when employees or clients need something. However, it can be difficult to know how to proceed when someone asks a question you don't know the answer to. Fortunately, there’s power in admitting you don't know something, and it often makes you appear more authentic and human. So to help you navigate interviews, meetings and customer interactions with ease, nine members of Young Entrepreneur Council explained how business leaders should answer questions they’re unsure about and why each approach is so effective.

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A positive role model is someone others want to emulate and follow, and successful entrepreneurs often become — sometimes unknowingly — the role models for other professionals. Whether it’s at work or in their personal lives, these leading entrepreneurs become a focus of attention because they have qualities that aspiring founders strive to replicate. The members of Young Entrepreneur Council recognize, however, that in order to be positive role models for others they need to work on being the best versions of themselves as well. Below, 13 of them share some ways you can work to become a great role model not only for other people, but also for yourself.
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First impressions are everything, especially when you’re first starting out on the job. When you’re trying to make a name for yourself within a new role or company, it’s important to know how to make an excellent impression. As successful business leaders, the members of Young Entrepreneur Council know that first impressions can lay the foundation for the rest of your time at any organization. Below, 10 members detailed the best things a new hire can do to impress their managers and company right off the bat. Here's why those actions are so impactful and can prove your worth and value as an employee.

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Members of Young Entrepreneur Council explore some user experience trends every app developer should be implementing. When you're developing a mobile app, there are many features to consider during your creation process. However, the most important thing to prioritize is the app’s overall usability and design. You may have a great marketing campaign to drive downloads, but if you don't create a user-friendly experience, consumers are unlikely to keep using your app. To that end, 11 members of Young Entrepreneur Council shared some of the UX trends developers should consider implementing. Here’s why these user experience elements are so helpful in creating a successful mobile app.

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As entrepreneurs start getting more involved with their businesses, it’s not uncommon that they find there's less time to spend on themselves. Unfortunately, being a successful business owner can often mean spending many hours engrossed in work without taking personal breaks. The result is almost always burnout, which can have negative effects on your health and well-being. But how does an individual take back their personal time? To help, eleven experts from Young Entrepreneur Council offer their suggestions on how entrepreneurs can reclaim some of their time for much-needed rest and relaxation.

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Members of Young Entrepreneur Council share their predictions for upcoming advances in encryption tech. Privacy and security are becoming increasingly important in today’s highly digital business world. With many employees working remotely and technology rapidly advancing, encryption technology will need to advance just as quickly. To that end, 11 members of Young Entrepreneur Council shared what they predict will be some of the next big steps in encryption technology in the near future. Keep an eye on these developments to see what kind of effect they’ll have on privacy and security for you and your business.

Getting a simple product to market as fast as possible allows you to build the grand product version much more quickly.
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Building positive relationships with your customers is essential to running a successful and sustainable business. That’s why many business owners rely on customer relationship management (CRM) tools to connect with clients and nurture ongoing interactions. With so many options on the market, leaders may not know where to start in their search for a great CRM tool. Below, 15 experts from Young Entrepreneur Council shared their favorite CRM tools and why they’re so effective.
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Many professionals have been fired from positions in the past. Getting fired from a job can be embarrassing and anxiety-inducing, especially when you have to explain the reason why you were let go to a potential new employer. While some employers won't bother to broach the subject, others could view the termination as a questionable part of a candidate’s work history unless the issue is brought out into the open and discussed with transparency and honesty. So how should a candidate approach this topic? Below, eight professionals from Young Entrepreneur Council offer some advice about how to discuss your previous job loss so that you won't dissuade a potential new employer from hiring you.

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Mar 9, 2021
Members of Young Entrepreneur Council share their best tips for combating the discouraging thoughts that plague many entrepreneurs. As you're tackling challenges in business, it can be easy to fall into the trap of negative self-talk. This pattern of behavior, while common, can be extremely discouraging and leave you mentally and emotionally depleted. To embrace your fullest potential, you’ll want to become your own biggest advocate and engage in healthier, more empowering dialogue with yourself. Below, a panel of Young Entrepreneur Council members shared their best strategies for overcoming the toxic, negative self-talk that can hold you back as a business leader.
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If you're just getting your feet wet in business, there are many things that can be overwhelming. One of the biggest sources of overwhelm, however, is finances. With so many numbers to track, livelihoods to be responsible for and rules to follow, business finances can quickly become too much for new entrepreneurs to handle. However, following a few key steps and having a basic plan can go a long way to simplifying the entire financial process. Below, eight members of Young Entrepreneur Council discuss a few pertinent tips that may help first-time entrepreneurs get a little more comfortable with business finances and set themselves up for a successful financial future.

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Members of Young Entrepreneur Council explain the tactics they've used to encourage customer downloads of their branded mobile apps. In today's mobile-first world, businesses can get tremendous value from developing and promoting branded mobile apps. It's a great way to reach customers where they are and it provides them an exciting new way to engage with your brand. The problem, however, is that app fatigue may discourage consumers from downloading your newly launched mobile app. They may think, "Why should I download another app on my phone when I can just go to the company's website?" To show your customers your app is valuable and worth downloading, consider these 11 tried-and-true strategies leveraged by the members of Young Entrepreneur Council, who have successfully encouraged consumers to use their companies' mobile apps.

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When surrounded by others, it can be difficult not to compare your successes to everyone else’s. Unfortunately, this competition can lead to stress and can easily create situations where you feel insecure about your path in life. But remembering that success looks different for everyone is just one step to maintaining your confidence. So what are some other ways you can avoid falling into a comparison trap and instead build healthy connections with your peers? Below, 10 professionals from Young Entrepreneur Council discuss some of the tips they’d recommend for avoiding unnecessary comparison with others and successfully connecting with peers.
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Being a leader is more than running meetings and managing a team. It’s a skill that takes a lifetime to master, and there will always be room to grow as a mentor, coach and source of inspiration to your employees. In your quest to become a better leader, you’re bound to hear about countless fads and trendy tips for “modern” managers. However, there are some pieces of business advice that will never get old. Below, a panel of Young Entrepreneur Council members shared a few of the timeless leadership tips that have been important to them throughout their careers and why.

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Entrepreneurs share their favorite tools, apps, and software for managing and interacting with customers. Connectivity is of the utmost importance in the modern world. In business particularly, social media, email, and other outreach methods have the potential to engage consumers like never before. In such a highly connected society, a business that doesn't leverage these tools for consumer engagement is at a disadvantage compared to its competitors. This is why many businesses utilize several channels of communication to ensure that their customers always feel engaged. But what sort of tools do they use to accomplish that job? Here, 18 members of YEC discuss their favorite tools, apps, and software they use to drive customer engagement efforts and connect with their audiences.
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18 entrepreneurs from YEC look at the main reasons why an organization should get insurance. New entrepreneurs sometimes look at business insurance as a luxury, not a necessity. For a lot of small-business owners, business insurance is a gamble -- it covers the business from liability and in the event of property damage, but unless either of those happens, it seems like wasted money. Before a company decides to avoid insurance altogether, the owner must look at what the insurance offers in more than just economic terms. Insurance also deals with how efficiently the business can operate. Businesses that have the assurance that they’re covered in any eventuality may be more inclined to take risks and innovate. Insurance, by design, can help or hinder a business. By focusing on the important details that impact a business’s everyday operation, an owner can determine whether insurance is a crucial consideration for the long-term health of the company. In some industries, insurance can save the company tens of thousands of dollars in liabilities. Some professionals require coverage before they’re allowed to open a firm in some states. If your industry requires that you have business insurance, you will need to examine what each of the providers offer with their policies to ascertain the level of coverage they provide. An additional element that business owners ought to consider is what the insurance covers. Some insurance companies only offer the bare minimum of coverage. Their policies don’t cover damage to assets or the building, and may only offer third-party coverage to individuals the business may have caused damage to. It’s vital that a company that takes out business insurance know what their insurance can cover and whether they may need more than the basic third-party coverage. To help, 18 associates of YEC discuss what a business owner should consider when deciding on business insurance and why these elements are crucial to the decision.
expert panel
Dec 22, 2020
Most of us can look back and remember several less-than-ideal experiences we had as customers. Even more memorable, however, are those times when a company's customer service exceeds our expectations—even delights us. In almost every instance, receiving outstanding service from a business creates a loyal customer for life. Therefore, taking note of and learning from excellent examples of customer service can be an invaluable tool for any entrepreneur or business leader looking for ways to "wow" their own customers. Below, eight members of Young Entrepreneur Council recall a positive customer experience they've had or have been part of and what it meant to them. Take note of these examples to learn effective ways to boost your customers' happiness with your business.

Nov 30, 2020
The companies that will thrive in the future are those that are best able to create close-knit and efficient teams made up of people from around the world.

When living through uncertain times — such as a global pandemic — adaptation becomes the key to survival.
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These 20 entrepreneurs from YEC discuss their favorite market research tools and why you should be using them. Without a proper view of the market, a business has no chance to resonate with the consumers most likely to buy their product. In the past, the best way of interacting with consumers was to simply put out an ad in the most-seen public medium at the time and hope it would land on fertile ground. Thankfully, the approach has changed in modern days, and now we have a lot more tools to offer us in-depth insights into what our ideal customers like and dislike. Using this as a basis, we can adapt our marketing attempts to appeal to those customers. The question now is, how do we obtain that data? Market research tools go hand-in-hand with e-commerce and internet marketing. Visitors to a website provide the best and most accurate picture of the kind of people the website already attracts. Using this data as a baseline, a business can feed it into an analytics engine and get back valuable information about the kind of customers already coming to its site. Based on those results, the business can then adjust its marketing push to reach out to a broader demographic or drill down into converting more of those visitors to buyers. There are many layers that marketing data reveals that can be priceless to a business looking to raise its conversion rates. Today, a business that doesn't depend on market research to guide its advertising and marketing is at a distinct disadvantage to other companies that do. The companies that make the best use of available tools will be more successful in reaching out to their ideal customers. Here, 20 associates of YEC discuss their favorite market research tools and explain how those solutions can help any business achieve its marketing goals.
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Helping your community doesn't mean that your need to dedicate your company to philanthropic works. Even profit-based companies can give back to their communities in a significant way if they start incorporating philanthropy into their company culture or develop a community-focused approach to business operations. The company culture shapes how employees view the business and interact with each other. By promoting philanthropy, a business seeks to leverage its employees' knowledge and experience in a unique way that will build the business's reputation and do good within the community. To help, these ten experts from Young Entrepreneur Council share some of the techniques they use to build philanthropy into their company culture and explain why this matters.
Company details
Company bio
Bounce is a platform for luggage storage in local shops and hotels that operates in more than 150 cities worldwide. Bounce launched in February 2019 on Product Hunt winning #1 product of the day and within a year expanded all across the US & Canada, followed by Europe.