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Brittany Hodak

Speaker & AuthorCreating Superfans

Nashville, TN

Member Since January 2013


Customer Experience
Public Speaking


Brittany Hodak is an award-winning entrepreneur, author, and customer experience speaker who has delivered keynotes across the globe to organizations including American Express and the United Nations. She has worked with some of the world’s biggest brands and entertainers, including Walmart, Disney, Katy Perry, and Dolly Parton. She is the former Chief Experience Officer of and was CEO and co-founder of The Superfan Company. Forbes said of her debut book, Creating Superfans, “If you have customers, you need this book. Period.”

Published content

10 Common Hurdles For Startups (And How To Overcome Them)

expert panel

From securing funding to handling growth, launching a new business comes with several hurdles that must be cleared. Failure to understand these challenges can cause a business to falter before it ever truly gets off the ground. However, with the right preparation, entrepreneurs can overcome (and sometimes, even mitigate) obstacles and continue on the path to success. To help new and aspiring business owners looking to launch, Young Entrepreneur Council members share 10 common hurdles startups face—and how to most effectively overcome them.

expert panel

For many businesses, the holiday season is a time of increased demand and heightened activity, necessitating the hiring of seasonal or temporary workers. While these short-term team members are invaluable in meeting customer needs, managing a sudden influx of new hires can be a daunting task. To ensure a smooth and successful operation, it's essential for employers to master the art of managing seasonal or temporary teams effectively. Here, Young Entrepreneur Council members offer practical tips and strategies for setting up these temporary workers, and the entire team, for success during the holiday rush. These tips will help employers navigate the challenges that come with seasonal staffing while maintaining service quality and customer satisfaction.

12 Ways Leaders Can Show Gratitude To Their Teams

expert panel

November, often associated with Thanksgiving, is a month that reminds us of the importance of giving back and expressing gratitude. For employers and managers, it's an opportune time to consider how they can give back to their employees and foster a culture of appreciation within their organizations. Below, Young Entrepreneur Council members explore meaningful ways employers can show their gratitude and give back to their teams, not only during the holiday season but throughout the year. These acts of giving, from recognition and professional development opportunities to wellness initiatives and flexible work arrangements, can have a profound and lasting positive effect on employee morale, engagement and overall workplace satisfaction.

Seven Ways To Achieve Uninterrupted Focus When You Most Need It

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Slack pings, calendar reminders, text messages or phone calls and those pesky notifications—the work world can often be incredibly distracting. And for the work-from-home crowd, there can sometimes be additional layers of distraction, like a ringing doorbell, family and friends, a load of laundry or the constant urge to clean up the space around you. But whether in the office or at home, work sometimes takes the back burner to these distractions, leaving you unproductive and stressed out about how you’re going to get it all done.  According to the members of Young Entrepreneur Council, the solution is to strive for uninterrupted focus. Being intentional with both your environment and your processes can help set you up for a much more productive day. Here, eight members share their top methods for achieving that uninterrupted focus when you most need it and why these tips work so well.

10 Hurdles Companies Are Facing When Implementing AI (And How To Overcome Them)

expert panel

New artificial intelligence tools seem to crop up every day—and many businesses are implementing them just as quickly. However, while these tools are meant to make businesses more efficient, that doesn’t mean they don’t also come with their own challenges, especially when it comes to implementing them in the first place. From simply not understanding the technology to gaining customer acceptance and trust, there are numerous struggles leaders are facing while attempting to adopt artificial intelligence into their processes. Here, the members of Young Entrepreneur Council discuss 10 of those hurdles and what they think business leaders can do to overcome them.

CEOs: Better Support Your HR Teams With These 10 Strategies

expert panel

A cornerstone of any thriving business’s operations, a company’s human resources department plays a key role in the success of its people. And yet, it can be easy for CEOs to think of their HR departments like their own self-sustaining departments, recruiting and hiring employees without much need for additional assistance. However, just like any other department, HR can experience their own challenges and require the full support of the leadership team (and the company as a whole) if they are to function well. So what can CEOs do to provide that support? Below, the business leaders of Young Entrepreneur Council share their thoughts and outline 10 different ways company leaders can better support their HR teams and why it's so important to the overall health of a business.

Company details

Creating Superfans

Company bio

The Superfan Company is an entertainment company focused on enhancing experiences for pop-culture superfans. We work with celebrities and brands to create unique, engaging content to help activate the audiences that matter most to them. Whether we're making a fan-club magazine for a superstar like Katy Perry or targeting superfans of a film like Guardians of the Galaxy at retail, we create original content to fans LOVE!


Marketing & Advertising

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Myself only

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