Member Since May 2019
As the founder of Lunya, Ashley Merrill and her team are reinventing sleepwear for the modern woman through innovation, design, and quality; resulting in a carefully edited collection of must-have pieces. Lunya’s core mission is simple - to make women’s lives better through product, experience and example. Ashley is utilizing Lunya, her background in tech and investing, to build her personal mission of helping create opportunity for women and girls. Beyond building Lunya, Ashley is an active supporter and board member for Girls Inc., a supporter of both Upstream and Planned Parenthood, and invests in many female entrepreneurs and funds. She is a Southern California native and resides there with her two young children and her husband.

Ashley Merrill
Published content

expert panel
Landing your first management position can be as daunting as it is exciting. You may feel pressure from superiors to perform well or wonder how you'll best lead your new employees. It's important to take early action to establish your leadership style and set yourself up for success. That's why nine members of Young Entrepreneur Council each shared the most critical thing they believe first-time managers should do within the first 90 days of their new role. Follow their tips to give yourself a head start on your new leadership position.
expert panel
During the pandemic, consumers who couldn't safely shop in brick-and-mortar stores turned to online shopping instead. Whether it be for mundane tasks like grocery shopping or picking up prescriptions, or more leisurely activities like clothes shopping, these errands could be done efficiently from the comfort of home. But as brick-and-mortar businesses open back up and pandemic restrictions ease or disappear altogether, these businesses are once again looking to draw in more customers. To help, Young Entrepreneur Council members weighed in on what might help increase foot traffic to these stores and continue to keep shoppers invested in the "in-person" experience.
expert panel
There are many reasons why a person's career idles, but it will likely happen to just about everyone at some point. Personal issues, an economic crisis, a creativity block or financial trouble are just a few factors that might cause a person to lose their passion for work. Realizing that your career has stalled or that you've lost passion for something you once loved to do can be frightening and overwhelming. It's enough to send some people into despair and depression. Here, a group of Young Entrepreneur Council members weigh in with advice on what they would do—or have done—when faced with the same problem.

expert panel
It’s a myth that successful leaders never make mistakes – even the best leaders have slip-ups from time to time. It’s crucial to learn from those mistakes so they aren’t repeated and equally important to be transparent with your employees when remedying the situation. The members of Young Entrepreneur Council have made their fair share of missteps in their past and current leadership roles, and they’ve learned a lot of important lessons from those mistakes. Nine members detail their greatest leadership blunders below and what they would have done differently if they could change their actions today.
expert panel
When you’re young and inexperienced, stepping up to a leadership position can be more difficult than usual. Without a strong standing in their industry, a new entrepreneur may not be able to navigate the terrain as easily as others. However, these leaders can still bring fresh perspectives and ideas to the table. We asked nine Young Entrepreneur Council members how younger founders can demonstrate their thought leadership and novel viewpoints to others in their field. Here's how to step up and show your expertise, even if you haven't been in the industry for long.
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Company bio
Lunya sleepwear for the modern woman. Premium quality, luxurious, functional natural fiber fabrics and innovative designs. It's not pajamas, it's sleepwear.