Member Since December 2020
Empowering Ecommerce with the software, services and community for businesses to thrive.

Adam Crawshaw
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Good web design can make or break a modern business. If your website is smooth and easy to navigate, it will attract more users and is a vote of confidence for your organization. A poorly designed site can have the opposite effect, turning users away no matter how good the product is. Below, 12 members of YEC shared what they believe is the most important design element to incorporate into your company’s homepage to increase traffic. Try out their recommendations to start bringing in more website visitors.
Mar 25, 2021
The beauty of technology isn’t that it removes risk entirely -- rather, it makes risk less daunting and, thus, business more accessible to all. Deep down, that fearless kid with a wild idea and implausible plan is still alive and well in us all.

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Members of Young Entrepreneur Council share how to prepare your company for greater integration of artificial intelligence and automation. As modern technology continues to advance, artificial intelligence (AI) and automation are playing an increasingly vital role in the workforce. Routine, recurring tasks are being automated in nearly every industry to save time and money. As we rapidly approach the start of the “AI/automation revolution,” businesses may be wondering how they can leverage this technology to their advantage. To help, the members of Young Entrepreneur Council share 14 ways companies can prepare for this upcoming revolution to maximize their future success.

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We invest, build, and partner with e-commerce software companies that help sellers more effectively run their business. We are backed by Providence Strategic Growth.