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Local SEO Strategies That Work in 2024

Written by David Hunter | Feb 28, 2024 10:03:39 PM

David Hunter is the CEO of Epic Web Studios a web development, SEO and digital marketing firm in Pennsylvania.

Several new developments and updates from Google are reshaping the landscape of search in 2024, making it imperative for businesses to adapt their strategies accordingly. Let’s review some of the most effective local SEO tactics so far this year, focusing on how local businesses can leverage these changes to maximize their online visibility and attract more local customers.

The Interplay Between Local Map Pack and Organic Search Results

When it comes to ranking well in search for keywords that have "local intent" — like 'plumber,' 'dentist,’ ‘grocery store’, or 'restaurant'— the local map pack and organic search results on Google's SERP play distinct yet interdependent roles. Achieving prominence in one often hinges on your performance in the other.

'Local intent' refers to searches made by consumers seeking products or services within their geographical vicinity. Excelling in these searches requires a two-pronged strategy: optimizing your Google Business Profile and ensuring your website is finely tuned to meet customer needs. Presence in the map pack is vital; many users don't look beyond these listings, making it a linchpin for online visibility.

However, a well-optimized website is not just about drawing traffic. It signals to Google that your brand merits a top spot in the map pack, reinforcing the symbiotic relationship between local and organic search efforts. Together, they form the foundation of a strategic, well-rounded web presence, crucial for businesses aiming to dominate in searches with local intent.

Knowing this, I think the following strategies are going to be crucial to adopt as we see the landscape shift: 

  1. Get ready for SGE. 
  2. Create more user-generated content (and keep getting new reviews). 
  3. Start measuring your impact locally. 

Let’s take a look at each of these: 

Adapting to Google's SGE Results

One of the most significant changes on the horizon is Google's impending release of the Search Generative Experience (SGE) results. This update is poised to place even greater emphasis on the Local Map Pack, signaling a shift in how local businesses need to approach their SEO efforts. Early testing indicates that a robust and well-optimized Google Business Profile will be more critical than ever. To stay ahead, businesses must ensure their profiles are complete, accurate, and enriched with high-quality images and regular updates. This preparation will be key to capitalizing on the new ranking dynamics and maintaining visibility in the AI-forward search environment.

Emphasizing Real-World Experience Content (Hidden Gems + Helpful Content)

The importance of content grounded in real-world experiences has surged, thanks in part to Google's more recent "helpful content update" (as well as the “Hidden Gems update”). Platforms like Reddit and Quora, known for their user-generated content, have gained major prominence in search results lately, illustrating the shift towards authenticity and social proof. For businesses, this means adopting a content strategy that incorporates testimonials, case studies, and user reviews. By doing so, they can enhance the relevance and helpfulness of their content, aligning with search engines' preference for information that offers genuine value to users.

Speaking of reviews, when it comes to local SEO, authentic customer reviews remain the holy grail. I know you’ve heard it countless times before - but it’s truly more important than ever and getting positive reviews can significantly influence consumer behavior (which also means your ranking in search can likely improve quite a bit - especially if the reviews are recent). 

Use Local Rank Tracking (and Share of Local Voice) to Measure Success

Implementing all of these strategies without a way to measure the impact would be pretty frustrating. Refining your local SEO strategy in 2024 should involve the utilization of local rank tracking tools like Local Falcon or SEMrush, and metrics like Share of Local Voice (SoLV). These technologies offer sophisticated yet easy-to-understand ways of measuring your local search performance, providing actionable insights that go beyond traditional analytics.

Local Rank Tracking

Geo-grid technology allows businesses to visualize their local search rankings across different geographic locations, offering a grid-based view of where and how well a businesses Google Business Profile appears in local search results. This is particularly valuable for identifying how visibility varies across a city or region and pinpointing areas where SEO or advertising efforts need to be intensified. By leveraging local rank tracking, businesses can make targeted improvements, focusing on underperforming areas to boost overall local search visibility (and now you can even use AI to help understand what changes are needed).

Share of Local Voice (SoLV)

Share of Local Voice is a cutting-edge metric that quantifies your brand's visibility in local search compared to competitors. It measures not just where your business ranks but how much of the conversation your brand owns in the local search landscape. Increasing your SoLV means growing your market share in local searches, which directly correlates with attracting more local customers and enhancing brand recognition. Tracking SoLV helps businesses understand their position in the competitive field and guides SEO strategies toward gaining a larger share of local search queries.


As we navigate the complexities of local SEO in 2024, it's clear that a proactive and holistic strategy is more important than ever. By understanding the interplay between the Local Map Pack and organic search, adapting to Google's latest updates, emphasizing authentic content, and prioritizing customer reviews, businesses can enhance their local search visibility and stay competitive in the digital marketplace.